Sunday, November 1, 2015

What is success " what the society think or what we think about us"

It has been five years since i have completed my studies and i have achieved less earning but plenty of learnings in my professional life as an entrepreneur.Now lets come to to the ultimate question which everyone asks now a days"so what, are you successful" .In my opinion there can be only two answers for it first one is"In the eyes of the society a big NO" and the second one is "In my mind a big YES".So can i say that success is nothing but a "state of mind" naturally it mostly depends on the kind of expectations we had initially but one can not mix the state of mind with the harsh reality of the life that"one needs money to survive in this society according to ones standard of living".So the conclusion of the above GYAN is that "Being happy has no connection with having money"but at same time don't forget that "money can not earn you happiness but just being happy can not earn you money as well you need it to survive in todays society".
                                                  Conclusion: Being happy and earning money both have no connection but                                                                        both are important.

Hope i have not confused you with my GYAN...................

thank you..........friends......